Hickory Tavern Intl Intrique - Solene |
This is Solene! Choices have finally been made, and my little black girl will be staying here with us. I just love her body, tail, coat, movement, and happy-go-lucky attitude. She has a gorgeous wide head with a short, broad muzzle and considerable stop. We really look forward to watching her grow up!
Neigenuveaux HTF's Intl Hanna - Hanna |
Hanna will be living in Ontario where she is co-owned by Veronica Matthews and Florence Erwin. Veronica has a lot of experience training in obedience and agility. She also owns Claire's sister Eleanore, and it makes me happy that little Hanna will be going to live with her aunt. Hanna is such a beautiful puppy too, and it has really been difficult choosing between them. Hanna was the first choice of many who I asked. I am happy that I will get to see her at the Canadian shows and that she will have such a wonderful home with Veronica. Hanna will still be here for a few more weeks so that the girls can grow up a bit more together.
We chose to honor all of the help we had with this litter from Canada, Switzerland, France, Holland, Germany, and other European countries by adding International (Intl) to the girls' names.
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